I'm a fullstack software engineer based in Dallas, Texas. I enjoy crafting eloquent code for beautiful user experiences and providing effective solutions.
My path to software and web development was not a beeline although my earliest memories of creating with computers dates back to highschool and early college when I took computer science and web building courses and volunteered as an instructors assistant helping to teach computer skills to a local community. I've ventured along many avenues, where diverse experiences have colored my canvas in a unique way. From studying cells and learning to extract DNA through pre-medical studies, acting out life on a stage, adventuring through the jungles of Honduras and desserts of Egypt, to learning the language of a machine and engineering software with Hackbright Academy, and much of everything in between. My life has been enriched by a vast array of experiences. In the words of Walt Whitman, “I am large, I contain multitudes”.
I've had the chance to work and gain an inside glimpse into many industries, such as telecommunications, finance, and insurance. I carry this unique experience and understanding into my work to help craft and enhance applications that are truly made for the enduser.
When I am not crafting code, find me cooking, playing guitar, reading about quantum physics, or watching horror films.
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Send a message if you have an idea for a project or collaboration (new website, redesign, application, etc.), want to talk tech, or just to hi! 👋🏾